So people everywhere…clap your hands and sing along…’peeche reh jaayega yeh zamaana...yehan kal kya ho, kisne jaana…’
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Random Thoughts : ‘Zindagi Ek Safar…’
So people everywhere…clap your hands and sing along…’peeche reh jaayega yeh zamaana...yehan kal kya ho, kisne jaana…’
Monday, May 03, 2010
God is an Awesome God !!
You don’t necessarily have to be a rocket scientist to know this. Coming from a very religious part of Kerala [ like where i come from ], and being raised in a very religious family [ like the one I have ] , it was very natural for me to have grown up as a regular church going Christian. When I was pretty young, I just hated the idea of going to church on Sunday mornings.
I had my reasons. First of all, I understood very little of what happened over there and secondly god made me miss out on all the important stuff on TV. In the 90’s, Sunday mornings where when the Duck Tale’s and the Aladdin’s and the Chip n Dale’s lit up your television screens. Back then, there were no Cartoon Networks or Nickledons where these characters would play out for you on a 24 * 7 basis. I never mentioned this at home coz I was scared [ read : very very ] scared of my mum !! I thought she’d freak out if she ever gets to hear something like that.
Time goes by and people grow up. And your perceptions change. I still never make it to church on time on most Sundays and I still don’t understand everything that happens over there. But I make it a point I go.
I can’t really explain how important god is to me. Maybe my English isn’t good enough to tell you what god means to me. But maybe, nobody can. All I can say is, the kind of impact he has had on my life is profound. He is the strength that makes you want to run that extra mile, the inspiration that makes you not believe in the word ‘impossible’ and the reason who makes every second of your life a lesson to be remembered and cherished forever.
Now that’s more that enough reasons to make me think why “Our God is an Awesome God “!!
No one stood with me, but all forsook me, but the lord stood with me and strengthened me. - 2 Timothy 4:16
Ps : Forgot to mention this before….Iam just grateful to my parents for pushing that cartoon loving, late rising [ I still hate to get up early ] ‘me’ to church on all those Sundays !!
Regards…Arun Jolly
Reach me at :
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
What’s the Best way to say “Iam Back”
“Iam Back”…Now that seems a bit weird to say because it has been very long since I’ve written anything here, to be precise 2 years, 1 month and 14 days. In fact I had lost my blog’s username and password and it required a lot of digging and reclaiming at blogspot to get it back, a couple of emails here and there and they finally sent me my ‘blogger account information’.
Now that iam back, I have to start thinking about what to fill in these spaces…Well, two years is a very long time and quite a lot has happened…I’ve grown 2 years [ definitely ], I have broadband now, got placed in a few companies and oh yea “I’ve just graduated”!!...I also saw Roger Federer add 2 more Wimbledons to his kitty [ and sadly losing out on his sixth straight one a couple of days ago ], India winning the 20 20 World Cup [ But they still keep loosing all the important finals ],India getting a new President in Prathiba Patil…..whoa!! that’s a lot of history!!
But the last couple of weeks have been a learning curve for me. Sitting at home and doing nothing [ especially after graduation ] is hazardous to your health and mental makeup. You get so disoriented that you start living in different time zones. One day you might get up at 12.00 [ in the noon ] and follow the Greenwich Mean Time, while the next day it might be 3.00 in the afternoon and the Calgary Mean Time.
Meanwhile , I also got to read a lot of blogs in between, some mediocre in standard, but a few of very high quality…but all very honest efforts!!...Now all that [ read : disorientation ] and this [ read : other blogs ] got me thinking about returning to ‘blogging’…But I keep getting these ideas…one day, I’d want my blog one way and the next day I’d want it another way...I think I have a serious problem of “persistence” with my thought process…
Now, where are we going…I guess I’d better stop dragging my thesis on “Rentry To Blogging” or it would sound more a like Hari Vamsh Rai composition [ HVR as I know him, is the guy who used to write poems to introduce poems which were introductions to the real poem ]..No offence meant to HVR and his fans there….it’s just that we don’t share the same perspective!!
Now to those people out there and there reading this, please feel free to tell me what do u think…..Or if you are somebody sitting at home wanting to send something to someone…Try me at
Signing off for today..
Regards…Arun Jolly
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I Love You Mum!
That's my mum and me(yea...15 yrs before,that's how we looked)
courtesy : my dad(the fotographer...hehe)
Hello People......
Guess it's been a long time since i have been here. Well it was the usual nonsense that kept me away - exams and classes. But right now, iam back and blogging. It is such an interesting coincidence that everytime i do this, i get to do this in the wee hours of the morning. For reasons yet to be known to me, i've always felt that the creative side of my brain works faster( and even better) after midnight. Maybe it is the genetic makeup that is responsible for this. My dad used to burn the midnight oil when he was in college for his studies(my brother still does it...)
Now i believe that is enough nonsense for one log, Nonsense apart... i'd like to share something that i found on the net. It's really nice and really cute. It's a poem on 'mothers'. I really enjoyed reading it. Hope u will too!
Love you mom
Mom's smiles can brighten any moment, Mom's hugs put joy in all our days,
Mom's love will stay with us forever and touch our lives in precious ways...
The values you've taught, the care you've given,
and the wonderful love you've shown, have enriched my life in more ways than I can count.
I Love you Mom!
The Magic of a mother's love
The magic of a mother's love
Brings harmony and bliss.
It covers like a blanket
And cures boo-boos with a kiss.
It offers grand protection
From evil that lurks 'round,
It tames the fears of little ones
And turns frowns upside down.
It holds a wealth of wisdom
With gentleness it guides,
It holds the hand when needed
Then lets go with tears of pride.
And though those precious childhood years
In an instant pass,
The love and magic mom instills
Will last…and last…and last.
Time out guys. Will be back soon........
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The Nonsense Logs

Arun Jolly
Cochin, India
[ For those who havent seen me. That's me.....]
Well, As They say,It all started at the turn of Midnight when night turns into day and darkness to sunshine. Well it didn't. This started just 10 minutes ago. Ten minutes ago, i was a silly netizen roaming around[the cyber world,ofcourse...] chatting on my messenger with 'friends' and listenin to Bollywood[sometimes Hollywood] songs. And i get to visit my brother's blog. It did look good and i sure did want one. But,wait a minute....let's reason this out.....Me and a Blog!No Way! What am i going to do with it? Why a Blog? Why not a Blog? Why should i be the only one jogging away from blogging. After all im the Ctrl+Alt+Delete guy [Forgot to tell you this. Im becoming a software engineer.......That's another story.....] . And here and im a blogger......and the rest as they say is History.....
All said and done, the only thing that i need to learn now is 'blogging'. But that's ok i always get through tasks and things [ and if i can't do that, i get around them]. But before that i need to get a good night's sleep and some time to think about the nonesense that im going to fill up in these logs.But that's coming up next.......
See you Around.........