Monday, May 03, 2010

God is an Awesome God !!

Now this is for the record. No part of the material mentioned below contains any sort of nonsense contrary to the suggestion implied by the name of this blog. 

You don’t necessarily have to be a rocket scientist to know this. Coming from a very religious part of Kerala [ like where i come from ], and being raised in a very religious family [ like the one I have ] , it was very natural for me to have grown up as a regular church going Christian. When I was pretty young, I just hated the idea of going to church on Sunday mornings.

I had my reasons. First of all, I understood very little of what happened over there and secondly god made me miss out on all the important stuff on TV. In the 90’s, Sunday mornings where when the Duck Tale’s and the Aladdin’s and the Chip n Dale’s lit up your television screens. Back then, there were no Cartoon Networks or Nickledons where these characters would play out for you on a 24 * 7 basis. I never mentioned this at home coz I was scared [ read : very very ] scared of my mum !! I thought she’d freak out if she ever gets to hear something like that.

Time goes by and people grow up. And your perceptions change. I still never make it to church on time on most Sundays and I still don’t understand everything that happens over there. But I make it a point I go.

I can’t really explain how important god is to me. Maybe my English isn’t good enough to tell you what god means to me. But maybe, nobody can. All I can say is, the kind of impact he has had on my life is profound. He is the strength that makes you want to run that extra mile, the inspiration that makes you not believe in the word ‘impossible’ and the reason who makes every second of your life a lesson to be remembered and cherished forever.

Now that’s more that enough reasons to make me think why “Our God is an Awesome God “!!

No one stood with me, but all forsook me, but the lord stood with me and strengthened me. - 2 Timothy 4:16

Ps : Forgot to mention this before….Iam just grateful to my parents for pushing that cartoon loving, late rising [ I still hate to get up early ] ‘me’ to church on all those Sundays !!

Regards…Arun Jolly

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thinkingtrinkets said...

Thanks for sharing this Arun..lovely post :)

I too have realized that God's Love is most wonderful.. He carries your burdens for u.. Any problem or difficulty placed at his feet is no more a problem...he is indeed a miracle worker.. have learnt this off late really well!

and its good to see u blogging aagin :)

Arun Jolly said...

Thanks a lot jolly !!
You always have the right words @ the right time.

Hope i can continue blogging